The Spirit Lake Elementary library has a new roof! The old leaky skylight is gone. Although we will miss our sunshine and plants we are looking forward to more comfortable temperatures and drier conditions for our books and students. Thank you to Dave Dau and his maintenance crew for getting the job done this summer.
That is what happened at the Spirit Lake High School library in July! The fiction collection was entirely reorganized, recataloged, labeled and reshelved by genres. Now if you are looking for a good read from the world of fiction, you should find all of your favorites right next to each other in one section. The nonfiction collection is still organized by Dewey numbers keeping books of a similar subject all together. This was a big project that couldn't have happened as quickly as it did without a lot of help. Special thanks to Mr. Sievert, Mrs. Jennings, Mrs. Faber and Hannah Jennings for their wonderful help with this project. As the Spirit Lake High School students and staff become familiar with the new arrangement they will find that an important piece of the library is no longer there. Mrs. Bergquist was told in July that her position as library associate no longer existed. She has accepted the position of Middle School library associate that was offered. I know the Spirit Lake Middle School students and staff are looking forward to getting to know Mrs. B and will enjoy her as much as the high school students did.