Sunday, April 10, 2011

April Learning in the Library

Kindergarten:  We will be reading books about Jaguars and rainforest Jungles during "J" week.  The Cross Country Cat by Mary Calhoun will be our focus during "C" week.  The rest of the month we will be using the FunSchool site to learn about Earth Day!

First Grade:  We are wrapping our research on mammals using the World Book online encyclopedia and will be making our stories about our chose mammal available on Tar Heel Reader website.  More information about how to access your child's story will be coming to you via email!

Second Grade:  A photography project is underway this month.  This is a cooperative project between Mr. Proctor and Mrs. Sievert.  Students are learning to use the features of the Kodak digital camera:  the focal point grid, the Macro setting for close-ups, and turning the flash on and off.  Students will be photographing faces on inanimate objects and looking for super close-up photo opportunities that might make others say "What in the world is that???"

Third Grade:  Students continued their study of news and information websites with the Tween Tribune. They each will create an account and do some blogging about interesting stories they read. will be used to brush up a few technology skills and the month will wrap up with some Earth Day games and books.

Fourth Grade:  This is a big month for fourth graders.  The transition to Middle School has begun.  We are learning how to log onto a laptop with our own personal accounts and adjust the settings to our own preferences.  The Acceptable Use Policy will be reviewed and Email will be introduced at the end of the month.