Sunday, February 27, 2011

March is Reading Month at SLES - IditaREAD begins March 1st!

Kindergarten:  We will continue to use the Tux Paint software to draw things that begin with our letter of the week.  We will use ovals to draw dinosaurs during "O" week, for example. We will be reading the story A Week of Raccoons  by Whelan during "R" week.  We will also continue using the lessons to learn more about the parts of a computer.

First Grade:  We are learning to use the World Book Encyclopedia online edition to find facts about animals.  We hope to use these facts to create an online book about an animal next month.

Second Grade:  We are finishing our study of American Folktales and will start to learn how to use digital cameras.  We hope to produce a slide show of photos of all of the important people who work here at SLES.  We will be voting for our favorite Goldfinch Award Book during the month of March so that our school can contribute to the statewide competition.

Third Grade:  We will be using the Pages software to write thank you letters to the many people who are sharing their time and talents with us during reading month.  We will also be learning about the newspaper as an information source, both print and online editions.  We will be looking at online editions of  The Des Moines Register, the Lakes News Shopper, and The Dickinson County News.  Next month we plan to look at some news blogs.  At the end of the month we will be participating in the statewide voting for our favorite Iowa Children's Choice Award book.

Fourth Grade:  We are working hard on completing our Keynote presentations about one of the 50 states in preparation for a state fair event where we will share our learning.  Fourth graders will also review the newspaper as an information source and participate in the statewide voting for their favorite Iowa Children's Choice award book.